Many people, couples especially like to express their feeling in many different ways... The common way is through words... It is the simplest way to show your feeling but it gives a great impact & it stays for a very long time... Why don't we learn sweet words today.. (",)

Oupus: love (can be used to express deep affection to whoever you like... family, friends, etc...)
Guminavo: love (usually use between couples who are deeply in love)
Hangadon: miss

Oupus zou diau: I love you (Malay: Sayang)
Guminavo zou diau: I love you (Malay: Cinta)
Hangadon zou diau: I miss you (Malay: Rindu)

Oupus/ Guminavo zou nogi diau: I also love you
Hangadon zou nogi diau: I also miss you

Oupus/ Guminavo zou kozo diau: I love you very much